TASK 1小作文:柱状图
The bar chart shows the number of people who applied to migrate to Australia in the four most popular occupation between 2009 and 2012.
TASK 2大作文:论述
More and more people expect to get things instantly(eg. goods, services, news), without having to wait. Why is this?Do you think the expectation to get thing instantly is a positive and negative development?
本题是一道混合类大作文,讨论即时满足的原因和利弊。混合类题型的写作结构非常简单,分别回应题干两小问,先回答原因,再讨论利弊。审题时注意两点,一是题目中给出时间限定“nowadays”和比较关系“more and more”,因此要考虑为什么现在这种现象比以前更多。二是在实际写作中可以结合科技发展、职业发展和消费习惯这些更具象的内容来写。
In today's fast-paced society , the desire for instant gratification has become increasingly prevalent . This can be attributed to several factors , such as advancements in technology and the changing nature of societal expectations. While some argue that this trend is beneficial , I believe that it is ultimately a negative development .
One reason why people are seeking instant results is the rapid advancement of technology . With the rise of smartphones and high-speed internet , information and services are now readily available at our fingertips . This has created a culture of immediacy , where we expect quick responses and instant solutions to our problems . Moreover , social media platforms have fueled the desire for
instant gratification by encouraging the constant need for immediate feedback and validation .
Furthermore , the changing nature of societal expectations is another factor driving the desire for instant results . In today's competitive world , success is often equated with quick achievements . Whether it is in the workplace or personal life , individuals are under pressure to achieve their goals as quickly as possible . This is especially true for younger generations who have grown up in a digital era where everything is accessible with just a few clicks .
However , despite the apparent benefits of instant gratification , I believe that it is a negative development . Firstly , it fosters a lack of patience and perseverance . When people expect immediate results , they may give up too easily when faced with challenges or setbacks . This can hinder personal growth and development as individuals are less likely to persist in the face of adversity .
Additionally , the pursuit of instant gratification often leads to shallow and short-lived satisfaction . When we are constantly seeking immediate rewards , we tend to overlook the value of delayed gratification and long-term goals . This can have a detrimental impact on our overall well-being and satisfaction in life .
In conclusion , the desire for instant gratification has become increasingly prevalent in society due to technological advancements and changing societal expectations . However , I believe that this trend is ultimately a negative development as it instills a lack of patience and perseverance and leads to shallow and short-lived satisfaction . It is important for individuals to recognize the value of delayed gratification and focus on long-term goals for personal growth and fulfillment .
instant gratification 即时满足
prevalent adj. 盛⾏的,普遍的
be attributed to sth. 归因于某事
societal expectations 社会期望
ultimately adv. 最终,最后
seek instant results 追求立竿⻅影的效果
rapid advancement of technology 科技的⻜速发展
be readily available at one’s fingertips 随时可得,触手可及
immediacy n. 即时性
social media platforms 社交媒体平台
fuel v. 增加,加强,刺激
immediate feedback 即时反馈
validation n. 确认
be equated with sth. 视为等同于某物或与某物相同
digital era 数字时代
with just a few clicks 只需点击几下鼠标
apparent benefits 表面上的好处
a lack of patience 缺乏耐心
perseverance n. 毅⼒,坚持不懈
be faced with challenges/setbacks 面临挑战/挫折
hinder personal growth and development 阻碍个人成⻓和发展
persist v. 顽强地坚持;执著地做
in the face of adversity 面对逆境
the pursuit of sth. 对某事物的追求
shallow and short-lived satisfaction 浅薄而短暂的满足
delayed gratification 延迟满足感
have a detrimental impact on sth. 对某事有不利影响
instill v. 逐渐灌输
fulfillment n. 满足(感)